Mebot Cities Mebots, explorers of Land42

Welcome to a New Era in Land42!


Exciting new era in Land42 has begun.

Your Mebots are now visible on the Main Map 🗺️ and can roam independently beyond your location.

You have the option to set your Mebot to Follow👥 mode, where it tags along with you, or you can send it to specific habitats to collect items. Alternatively, Mebots can be set to Explore🦅 mode, where they autonomously roam and seek out nearby habitats with available items, prioritizing those closest. Mebots can also be Stationed📍 at any location (habitat or not), this will prevent them from moving (exploring or following you) and guarantees collection of rare items at that location.

Your Mebots are powered by your steps 👟, similar to the mechanics in the Move game. Your daily step count determines how far and to how many habitats a Mebot can autonomously travel in Explore mode. Should you need your Mebot to return, you can summon it back to your location with the "/follow" command (via chat) or by tapping on [Follow] button in Command Center 🎛️. Depending on how far the Mebot has ventured, it will take time for it to get back to your location (don't leave your Mebot in the middle of nowhere 👀).

You can dispatch your Mebots to any habitat within Land42 by simply tapping ↗️ on the habitat screen. Habitats a few thousand steps away can be reached within a day, assuming you have accumulated sufficient steps. More distant habitats, like those across continents, might take days, weeks, or even months to reach—one adventurous Mebot is currently en route to Japan! 🗾 🤠

For players with multiple Mebots: each has its own daily steps budget. You can pick the right strategy individually for each Mebot.

Additional features:

🗺️ Any habitat can now be located on the Land42 map via the map icon on the habitat screen.

🔋 Daily energy can now be stored in a Power Bank and restored at any time to use in battles, allowing you to conserve energy over the long term.

Visit your local habitat now and start collecting items.

Explore Mebot cities:
Grab your limited edition Mebot: